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★ Joke Of The Day: BIG CHINA Mooncake.
Date: Saturday, September 18, 2010 | Time: 9:48 PM
Today i went to buy these mooncake at this famous shop call "Da Zhong Guo". So along the way queuing, right in front of this famous shop there's a small pomelo fruit stall setup there. Here's the joke breakout! This uncle the pomelo stall helper or boss shouted to a uncle and to all people who walk past him, "Eh, Bo Ji Eh!!! Guey Lai Kua Kua Ji Eh!!!" English translation means, "Hey! This is seedless. Please come and take a look!!!" In hokkien, these 3 words "Bo Ji Eh" can be mean as "No Ball" = No Guts! So, GUYS! Catch my joke? I'm wandering the uncle had offended anyone before due to the way he approach customer? LOL!!! This is my Joke Of The Day. Hope you enjoy it. Sign Off,Lexus G18.09.10 / 2203hrs (Saturday)
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